My story

I was born and raised in Wallsend, North Tyneside. My Mam always said I had a powerful set of lungs- I was good at making my voice heard from an early age!


I spent a few years in London performing as a singer and working in hospitality, but my heart never really left Newcastle so I came home and enrolled at Newcastle University, gaining a First in English Literature.


While studying for a Master’s in creative writing I attended the funeral of a close friend and was inspired by the amazing Celebrant. Her tribute was perfect- we cried, but we laughed too, at some of the funny and daft things my friend had done over the years. It brought me such comfort and I immediately knew, ‘that’s the job for me’. I wanted to comfort and help people the same way, making use of my passion for writing- and my strong voice!


I wanted to feel more prepared for supporting people through bereavement so I gained some Counselling qualifications (Levels 2 and 3) before completing the British Humanist Association’s Celebrant Training course, achieving full accreditation with them in 2010.


After a while I realised that some people, though not deeply religious or ‘churchy,’ do still have a faith or spirituality, or simply want to say a prayer or sing a hymn for the sake of tradition. I wanted to be able to include these things (if requested) so I parted company with the BHA and I’ve been officiating at funeral ceremonies full-time under my own steam ever since.


People often ask me if my job is miserable or depressing. I tell them it’s the best job in the world. I love what I do so much. Yes, it can be extremely emotional- tearful at times too- but it’s also incredibly rewarding and life-affirming. I am inspired every day by the stories people share with me and I feel so grateful that I get to spend my days doing something meaningful and helpful.